Get Result - Onboarding
When the processing of an onboarding request is finished, you may receive the result through:
The callback if you provided it when setting up a token.
You may also, fetch yourself the result by calling our API endpoint.
If the analysis result is ready and available you'll have a json doc described here.
Both methods are described below (you may combine both or use just one)
1. Callback
For different services, ShareID provides a callback mechanism.
You may provide a callback to receive the analysis result. Whatever is the service used by the callback, these rules apply:
the callback must be a public link (or at least accessible from our platform [you may contact us to get our outgoing IP ranges])
It should be preferably an https link over an http link. In case of a secure link (using TLS), please ensure the validity of the certificate. The callback may be rejected if the certificate is invalid (obsolete, untrusted root certificate etc.)
The endpoint provided can contains variables in the URL but must respond to an HTTP POST method
Also, the data send by our servers will use a json header
"Content-Type: application/json"
This means that you'll receive the resulting data as a json object
Each service will give a description of the object fields
Our server waits for an http status which must be 200 within 3000ms
in case it's an other status or if no response is given after the delay, we consider this is an error and we start a retry mechanism
the retry mechanism tries a max of 3 times:
if the first call is wrong, the callback is retried after 5 minutes
then after 1 hour
then after 24 hours
after this it is never retried
If your server need a specific header (like an authorization bearer) please contact us.
2. Calling an API Endpoint
NB: Be aware, this technique is called 'polling', this means that you will call the api until you have a result from our API. Our advise is to wait 5s between each call {API_URL}/flow/onboarding/fetch once you have a valid token. Too many calls in a short window may be rejected.
First get a token:
As a response you will get a json document which includes a field named token. This token has a TTL of 10 minutes, so you can reuse it for multiple calls.
How to use the token ?
You simply add an Authorization Http header to your request with the given token
How to get the result of the onboarding ?
You need to call this api, providing the applicant_id you received when getting a token for the onboarding demand.
As a result of this call you can get a 200 http status:
But the message is not ready instead of yet so you'll have as a response a json doc containing
Last updated