
You'll find a short description of the specific terms used in this documentation


The authenticate process is the method proposed by ShareID to identify a user against it's previous created digital fingerprint. It is done with the help of an SDK.


The onboarding process is the method proposed by ShareID to create a digital fingerprint of a user. It is done with the help of an SDK.


ShareID provides an SDK available on 3 platforms (web, ios, android). The SDK helps your users by driving them through the chosen process (onboarding, authenticate).


ShareID proposes a set of https endpoints, for example to start the above processes.

PS: The doc may contains this notation {API_URL}, it has to be replaced with the provided address given by your contact at ShareID.


This refers to the unique and throwable string given by the API when successfully authenticated against our services. You will need this token to use the above processes (onboarding, authenticate).

Last updated